Edinburgh Strikes Back

My Foreign Policy article ‘Scotch This Plan’ (see link at the end of this post) caused quite a fuss in the UK media this week – you might like to read it, as it’s about more than local questions. A few caveats: (1) it’s a polemic, so don’t expect balance; (2) likewise, it’s not based on a piece of  academic research; (3) FP were responsible for the headline and subheader, so it appears to emphasise the independence question more than it actually does; (4) despite all these things, the response was overwhelmingly positive at the local level. The city council (city hall) objected, needless to say, but they were in a minority. The broader questions concern how cities with historic legacies imagine their futures. On the narrower question of Edinburgh’s waterfront, there’s scope for a PhD thesis at least.

Here’s the article:


2 thoughts on “Edinburgh Strikes Back

  1. I found the comments section very interesting. And this comment in particular made me laugh:

    “FP, why is a professor of “visual cultures” writing on your site? I’d be more than happy with a report on corruption and inefficiency in Scotland, and how that could affect the referendum. Why not get someone qualified to write it, rather than about how Edinburgh “looks shabby”.”

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